MAY 15 2022
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape says Police will leave no stone unturned in investigations into the death of Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Sam Basil in a motor vehicle accident along the Bulolo Highway in Morobe last Wednesday night.
He gave this assurance to family members, people of Bulolo and Morobe, friends, members of Hon. Basil’s United Labour Party (ULP), members of the disciplined forces and the public at Jackson International Airport tonight after the arrival of the body of the late DPM on a helicopter from Lae.

“Sometimes, in life, it is not easy to understand why such tragic circumstances happen in this manner,” PM Marape said.
“I have instructed the Police to give a full account of the last steps of the Deputy Prime Minister, the journey the oncoming driver took, and every circumstance behind what happened in the lead-up to his passing.
“A report is expected for us to bring to full conclusion the passing of our nation’s Deputy Prime Minister.”
The Prime Minister said the loss of Hon. Basil to the nation was one that words could not express.

“We stand with the family, we stand with the people and Wau-Bulolo, we stand with the people of Morobe province, we stand with the United Labour Party, we stand with every citizen – men and women, boys and girls – of our beloved country to receive the Deputy Prime Minister of our country,” he said.
“It is his last time to leave Lae for Port Moresby, and for the last time to be with us in Port Moresby, for us to accord him the respect he deserves and send him back to rest.

“It is a moment none of us thought would happen, I never thought it would happen.”
PM Marape said he was in a meeting last Wednesday night when news came from Lae of the accident.
“I asked those who were seated with me to offer a prayer for him (Hon. Basil), as we were hearing that he was struggling,” he said.
“Today, the nation is coming to grips with the passing, for the first time, of a deputy prime minister of our country while serving in office.
“This is very, very sad.”
PM Marape told Hon. Basil’s family that the entire country joined with them in mourning the loss of their father, husband, son and brother.
He said Hon. Basil and himself first entered Parliament in 2007 and was privileged to have served with him in Cabinet as a minister and later as DPM.
“He (Hon.Basil) excelled to the highest standard in service to his people of Wau-Bulolo – which was second to none, to Morobe and to Papua New Guinea,” PM Marape said.
“The nation will give the highest dignity to a servant of our nation who has passed.
“We will give him, in his final tour-of-duty, the highest recognition that he deserves.”