AUGUST 4 2022
Prime Minister and Pangu Pati Leader Hon. James Marape has thanked the people of Papua New Guinea as Pangu prepares to form Government when the 11th Parliament meets next Tuesday.
He also thanked Pangu supporters nationwide whose votes have given it the overwhelming mandate to form Government.
Pangu has 30 MPs today (Thursday, August 4, 2022) and is expected to collect more before return of writs to receive the invitation.
The total number of Pangu, Independent and Coalition MP has risen to 67 today and is expected to climb by tomorrow.

“I thank God and the people of Papua New Guinea for participating in the 2022 General Election as Pangu prepares to receive the invitation to form Government,” PM Marape said.
“I also thank Pangu supporters for their vote-of-confidence in the party. Pangu has done very well in the 81 seats that it has fielded candidates in.”
PM Marape said Pangu also went into the elections with clear coalition partners like United Resources Party, National Alliance, and others.
“We did not endorse candidates in seats held by our coalition partners in this election, knowing very well that we would be relying on them to form Government again,” he said.
“Hence, it is very easy for us now to stitch a Coalition, because we went into the elections together.
“We backed each other during the campaign period, hence, we now have 15 political parties as Coalition partners to Pangu.
“This gives us the basis to go into Parliament next Tuesday and get into the business of electing the Speaker and electing the Prime Minister underway.”
PM Marape said Pangu was “no ordinary party” and was the party that gave Papua New Guinea its sovereignty in 1975.
“Pangu is the party that foresaw the vision of our country,and today, I am privileged to be leading this national icon,” he said.
“We owe it to our people to pass on a better Papua New Guinea to the generation that comes after us.
“Papua New Guinea, I believe, has the potential to become the richest, black, Christian nation.
“God has blessed us with an abundance of resources in forestry, fisheries, agriculture, our people, tourism and many more.
“We have a huge resource base and this generation of Pangu leaders aims to ramp up our downstream processing – to anchor our economy for the next five to 10 years.
“We will continue on with the work we have started over the last three years, trying to stabilise an economy that was in recession.
“COVID-19 came in after we took Government, there was politics in 2020 played by the Opposition, and in 2021 we were still recovering from the pandemic.
“Despite these setbacks, in very trying times, we remained focused.
“We promised our people during the elections that we will deliver better services, better infrastructure, better education, better health, better law-and-order, and others.
“We will ensure that our country gets better than it is today. We will leave no one or no place behind.