AUGUST 11 2022
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape says he will take no more complacency from heads of Government departments and agencies to move Papua New Guinea forward.
He said this in no uncertain terms during a meeting with them on Loloata Island today (Thursday August 11 2022).
PM Marape said heads of departments and agencies who failed to perform would be removed immediately.
The Caretaker Cabinet of PM Marape, Deputy Prime Minister Hon. John Rosso, Hon. William Duma, Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey and Hon. Soroi Eoe are now into checking on Government departments and agencies.

The Prime Minister said fundamental guides such as Vision 2050 and the Eight-Point Plan were already in place to guide heads of departments and agencies and there should be no more excuse for complacency.
“Every department and agency should now have handover-takeover notes for the transition of Government,” PM Marape said.
“We must be equipped with up-to-date statistics and correct information.
“I’m assuming that you have all this ready, and by next Tuesday (August 16 2022), all these reports should be handed in.
“I intend to appoint a full Cabinet by next Thursday (August 18 2022) and heads of departments and agencies should have all these ready for the new ministers.
“I bluntly tell heads of departments and agencies that continution in your job hinges on what you have achieved over the last three years, and your plans for the future, consistent with views of Government.
“There is no gurantee of you continuing your job if you fail to comply with these by next Tuesday
“The days of free rides and complacency are over.
“I have had three years of experience as Prime Minister, from 2019 to 2022, to know who’s who in our political and administration systems.
“I have 15 years of experience as a political leader now, and am well-versed in Vision 2050, and our hopes and aspirations for PNG.
“Before the full Cabinet is appointed, I want to check the work of all department and agency heads, to see whether or not you have been performing.”
PM Marape said the onus was on this current generation of leaders to fix up the country.
“I want to grow the economy to a K200 billion economy at the very earliest,” he said.
“Pangu Pati went into the elections campaigning on economic independence.
“Albert Einstein once said, ‘doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results, is insanity’.
“I’ve been talking, and talking, for the last three years and I now want to see tangible outcomes.
“I want results to be placed on the table for all to see.
“We want to better our country as we journey into 50 years of Independence at 2025 and beyond.”