AUGUST 16 2022
ONE week after being re-elected unopposed on the floor of Parliament, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape was today (160822) officially welcomed back to Sir Manasupe Hause by his management and staff of the Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council where he reiterated the importance of the work they hold in supporting and yielding the PNG Vision 2050.
PNG Vision 2050 is Papua New Guinea’s ultimate blueprint initially devised and headed by Founding Father the late Great Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare in 2009 when he returned as the country’s prime minister in 2002. It is a collective comprehensive work resulting from a nationwide consultative process that took over two years to research, draft, legislate and adopt; and provides the pathway to the country achieving a number of targets by the Year 2050 which includes having PNG within the Top 50 Countries under the United Nations Human Development Index.
Previously discarded by the former regime under Peter O’Neill, the PNG Vision 2050 is once more making a come-back and taking centre-stage in the planning of the Marape-led Government as it cascades into PM Marape’s own vision to make PNG the Richest Black Christian Nation on Earth goal.
Today, the Prime Minister took the opportunity to remind the department of the importance in the roles each of the managers and staff members play in driving the work of the government across the departments in achieving the two laid out visions.

PM Marape said: “Country is going through many challenges but nothing is insurmountable. We all need to make a concerted effort to make a difference. The road to reconstruction started three years ago.
“I want you to see Vision 2050 as the benchmark destination to work toward. We can do it.
“We are revisiting what we committed to do since 2019. We are not a new government but a continuing government.
“We will not reinvent the wheel but we will continue on what we said we will do, what we have done, and what we must do going forward to make our country great, as I committed on 30 May 2019.”
The Prime Minister once more reminded the staff of their output in performance and what each of them can do to bring more value to the department, his work and the Government’s work.
He also reminded the staff of Pangu Pati’s mandate by the people of PNG in leading the government and asked for their total commitment and support to achieving the targets as set under the plans.
Since 2019, despite the difficulties brought on by the COVID pandemic, PM Marape has been successful in achieving a number of his targets as he has voiced in his maiden speech of May 2019 upon succeeding Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister.
Among these, his Government has since grown the economy of the country to over K100 Billion this year as he looks forward to furthering this to K200 Billion by the turn of the decade, as well as continuing and delivering on his plans in governance reforms, economic growth, connecting the country, and empowering the rural people of PNG, leaving no one behind.