Canberra, Australia, December 7, 2023 – Prime Minister Hon. James Marape is continuing his unwavering commitment to championing the interests of smaller Pacific countries on the global platform. This was evident during the historic signing of the Australia-Papua New Guinea Bilateral Security Agreement, a big step forward in fostering regional cooperation and sec
In a ceremony held in Canberra, Prime Minister Marape joined hands with Australian Prime Minister Hon. Anthony Albanese to formalise the agreement, securing A$200 million (K455 million) in security assistance for Papua New Guinea. The accord reflects the collaborative efforts between the two nations to address internal and regional security challenges, especially with PNG being the biggest Pacific country that buffers South East Asia and Pacific.The Australia-Papua New Guinea Bilateral Security Agreement solidifies a commitment to regional stability and cooperation. This landmark initiative stands as a testament to the shared vision of both nations in addressing the security needs of the Papua New Guinea and Pacific region.
Prime Minister Marape emphasised the importance of broadening Australia’s engagement with Melanesian, Polynesian, and Micronesian nations in the Pacific. He emphasised that whilst the unique and bigger challenges of lawlessness requires such help to Papua New Guinea, Australia must also not forget to help all Pacific island countries.

“Whilst Pacific countries may be small in landmass, their vast oceans present unique challenges that Canberra must comprehend and also assist,”stated Prime Minister Marape.
“Papua New Guinea will continue to play our role in assisting the rest of Pacific with whatever capacity we have, and that was evident in our police help to Solomon Islands recently.”
Prime Minister Albanese acknowledged Papua New Guinea’s pivotal role in supporting Solomon Islands during the recent Pacific Games in Honiara. He also commended Papua New Guinea for its dedication to providing additional police in Solomon Island.
The security package unveiled encompasses various initiatives aimed at bolstering Papua New Guinea’s security apparatus. Notably, the funds will contribute to the expansion and enhancement of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary, infrastructure development, judiciary support, correctional services, and combating gender-based violence. Furthermore, the agreement includes provisions for the establishment of a police recruit and investigation training center, reinforcing Papua New Guinea’s capacity and extending training assistance to other Pacific police forces.