Address by PM Marape at State Funeral of Sir Mekere Morauta

Good morning, families and friends of late Sir Mekere Morauta.

PM Marape and Mrs Marape laying a wreath at the State Funeral of Sir Mekere Morauta at Rev. Sione Kami Memorial Church today.-Pictures by PM’s Official Photographer EKAR KEAPU
PM Marape addresses Sir Mekere Morauta’s State Funeral.

On behalf of all citizens and residents of our country, including Grand Chief Sir Micheal Thomas Somare, Sir Julius Chan and all former Prime Ministers and Leaders in attendance, including President of Bouganville Hon. Ismael Toroama:

I stand today sadly to offer tribute to this great man who selflessly gave his life in service to Papua New Guinea.

To his dear wife Lady Roslyn Morauta, to his son Dr James Morauta, to all four surviving siblings, to all relatives of Kukipi and Uritai villages of the Gulf of Papua:  We, the people of Papua New Guinea, including Port Moresby North West Electorate offer our sincerest appreciation to you all for allowing your dear relative to serve us all in PNG.

Mrs Marape and PM Marape meeting Dr James Morauta and Lady Roslyn Morauta at the funeral service.

For this, we, in sadness and tears, offer our condolences and share with you all in mourning this huge national loss.

The late Sir Mekere served his country with highest distinction right from the formative years of our country in the 1970s with national figures like the then Mr and now Sir Rabbie Namaliu, the then Mr and now Sir Charles Lepani and the late Anthony Siaguru.

This famous ‘Gang of Four’, plus other pioneer public servants, assisted the Founding Fathers of our Nation by laying the foundational stones.

His imprint on our national life is huge every step of the way from 1975 up till today: in the public service, in the private sector and in politics.

He made history by easily transitioning from public service leadership to political leadership, where he reformed and strengthened key Institutions of State and at the same time fighting graft and corruption.

Sir Mekere stated that corruption was “systematic and systematic ” in PNG during his maiden Prime Ministerial address to Parliament on the 14th of July 1999.

Fighting and removing corruption was again the reason of his return to politics in 2017.

He died doing what he loved, serving his country.

For this, we PNG are forever grateful to this towering icon of good leadership, and we say ‘thank you’ to his family and tribe for lending him to us.

Sir Mekere Morauta, was a larger-than-life personality in our country’s short history.

He was a reformist, and despite serving as Prime Minister for only three short years, his impact transcends time and is inter-generational.

Again to the family:Thankyou for lending this great Lauri to us rest of PNG.

To Sir Mek: Rest In Peace. Your Kukipi and Uritai tribe has conferred me the same name Lauri, and I promise to do my best for them and rest of PNG too.

You have ran a good race, you have fought a good fight for your country, rest now Sir.

We will miss your physical presence but your counsel and advices will forever ring in our minds to guide us to make our own contributions to develop PNG.

Sir Mek, goodnight for now, and we hope to see you on that golden resurrection morning for the eternal life our Jesus promised in the Bible for those who die believing in Lord Jesus Christ.

Mrs Marape and PM Marape at the tomb of Sir Mekere Morauta at Independence Hill.

Sir Mek, Rest In Peace.


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