Feb 6th 2021
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has announced the immediate release of K146. 7 million to the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) as the first installment of its 2021 allocation.

He made the announcement at the end of a very-successful Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meeting in Arawa on Friday (Feb 5 2021) which he co-chaired with Bougainville President Hon. Ishmael Toroama.PM Marape said such early allocation was “unprecedented” and highlighted his Government’s commitment to Bougainville.
“For us to deliver K146. 7 million early, in February, is unprecedented,” he said.
“Not too many governments of the past have done this sort of thing.
Apart from the K146. 7 million:
– Fisheries Minister Hon. Dr Lino Tom presented K5 million to ABG for fisheries development;
– Transport Secretary Roy Mumu presented K5 million to North Bougainville for purchase of a vessel under the Government’s National Shipping Service to transport people and cargo to the far-flung islands and atolls;
– PM Marape added K2 million on top of K1 million given by South Bougainville MP and Information Communications and Technology Minister Hon. Timothy Masiu for development of Bana Special Economic Zone (SEZ); and
– PM Marape announced K3 million support for an investment conference in Bougainville later this year.
PM Marape also announced that K18.7 million had been allocated to Bougainville for completion of the Buka Ring Road, and work on the Bougainville Highway from Kokopau in North Bougainville to Buin in South Bougainville.
” The K18.7 million has been paid in full, through Department of Works, for contractors on the Buka Ring Road and the main Kokopau-Buin Road,” he said.
“This is the last money that is outstanding in as far as the contractors are concerned, which we’ve retired.
“We will get Works’ engineers from outside, as well as on the ground, to check contracts so that they are delivered to the specifications of the contract.”
PM Marape was pleased to note that Government-allocated funds to Bougainville districts and the Region as a whole had been used in development.
” Something that is satisfactory for me is to see DSIP funds that we give to the districts – K10 million each year to the four MPs – being used for key needs, ” he said.
“Something that also gives me satisfaction is the partnership to deliver regular sea transport to the Atolls, Mortlock, Cartarets, Nissan and all the outer islands in the Bougainville Region.”