Approved for Release:June 3rd 2021
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has called for peace and sanity to prevail during the one-day Moresby North-West by-election which takes place today (Friday June 4th 2021).

He also called on PNG Electoral Commission officers to be fair during this by-election, in the lead-up to the 2022 General Election.
PM Marape said Moresby North-West was one of the “most-educated” electorates in the country and voters deserved nothing less than the best from polling officials.
“We appeal to our election officials to conduct the by-election in a fair and transparent manner,” he said.
PM Marape said elections in Moresby North-West were easy to conduct in terms of logistics, with a huge police presence in the city, and there should no reason for a successful by-election not being delivered.
“Moresby North-West by-election is a litmus test for the Electoral Commission going towards 2022,” he said.
“It is the right of voters to make their choice based on their God-given wisdom – not on inducements, bribery, cash, food, wantok system, hype or euphoria
PM Marape also announced that during the second half of this year – in the lead up to 2022 – the Government would be amending laws so that severe penalties would be imposed on election officials who engaged in “improper and illegal conduct” during elections.
“There will be severe penalties for election officials engaged on corrupt practices at polling places,” he said.
“A vote is the sanctified responsibility of each individual to cast his or her vote for a leader, who they feel will represent them in Parliament.
“It’s a high calling of each individual and must not be tampered by an ineffective process or corrupt election officials, campaign managers and officials, or candidates themselves.
“I intend to reform the electoral process going into 2022.”
PM Marape said these would be simple measures which would set a template for 2022.