FEBRUARY 16, 2023
Prime Minister and Tari-Pori MP Hon. James Marape has called on all 96 districts in the country to empower women to get into micro small and medium enterprises (MSMES).
He made the call in Port Moresby today (Thursday, February 16, 2023) when signing a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with Women’s Micro Bank Ltd (Mama Bank) to bring about financial inclusion and a revolving credit scheme for women involved in MSMEs in Tari-Pori.
The Prime Minister also announced that the Government was looking to extend the scope of its SME lending, apart from Bank South Pacific and National Development Bank, to involve other financial agencies like Women’s Micro Bank
PM Marape was accompanied by wife Rachael, a certified accountant who has been passionately involved with women in business in Tari-Pori; Tari-Pori District Development Authority (DDA) CEO Willie Kara; and Tari-Pori DDA women’s representative Theresa Punga.
Women’s Micro Bank was represented by Chairman Noel Norigku and CEO Gunanidhi Dasi
PM Marape said Tari-Pori DDA last year spent K1 million on women MSMEs in the district and this year would spend another K1 million.
He said if Tari-Pori could do so, there was no reason why other districts could not do so, when all had the same amount of district funds allocated to them.

“Lead all our mothers into the MSME sector,” PM Marape urged.
“Leading a mother into this sector is anchoring the welfare of the family, and when the family is okay, society is okay, country is okay.
“All districts have an envelope of K10 million for district development programs. Of this, 10 per cent or K1 million is for the economic sector. This is to be used to support growth of the SME sector and other businesses
“When you (districts) partner with this sort of programme (Women’s Micro Bank), genuine people out there are engaged, and it incubates them and gets them going for the next mile in as far as businesses are concerned.

“I commend the other nine districts who are partnering Women’s Micro Bank and encourage all other districts out there to get involved.”
PM Marape said if illiterate women in villages could be self-sustaining, through small business, there was no reason why others could not do so.
“Our country is full of opportunities. It’s the lazy ones who miss out,” he said.