FEBRUARY 15, 2023
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape says the Constitutional Law Reform Commission (CLRC) Review of the Form and System of Government, which includes election of the Prime Minister, is one of the most-important ever to be undertaken in Papua New Guinea and will shape the future of the country.
He said this on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, after launching the review in front of a full-house crowd at Holiday Inn in Port Moresby.
PM Marape commended the leadership of CLRC Chairman Hon. Saki Soloma, his Commissioners, Secretary Dr. Mange Matui and his staff. He said he had full confidence in them to deliver this review in time for PNG’s 50th anniversary of independence in 2025.
He urged CLRC to travel the length and breadth of the country to gauge the views of the people as its predecessor, the Constitutional Planning Committee (CPC), did 50 years ago.

The Prime Minister said political instability, through no-confidence votes since 1975, had greatly affected development of the country.
“The voting-in of the Prime Minister by the people of PNG will do away with the insecurity caused by regular no-confidence votes which have affected the country since 1975,” he said.
“There are checks-and-balances of Government already in place such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the Proceeds of Crime Act and Undisclosed Wealth Act.
“I urge everyone in the country, from all walks of life, to give their views to the CLRC and help shape the future of our country.
“Through this review, we should ascertain whether or not we need an alternative form and system of Government, after identifying the practical problems, the issues, the challenges and solutions by listening and gathering from the experiences of our people.”
PM Marape said reviewing or restructuring the form and system of government would require CLRC to look at the three arms of Government: the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.
“Specific questions will focus on the election of Prime Minister and whether the current trend should continue or the people should directly vote for the Prime Minister,” he said,
“This question is foundational if we are to build a system of Government that is resilient and resistant to the pressures of managing varied expectations of our different stakeholders.
“This question is very important to the strength of governance and governments so we must consult our people.
“The review also raises questions on whether we should have two houses of Parliament –the upper and lower house.
“It’s a question that points to another key issue on whether all sectors of society are fully represented in Parliament. It tries to bring in some level of scrutiny in the legislature.
“The review will also raise questions on the relationship and arrangement of the three levels of Government that we have: the National, Provincial and Local Level government. Should we should maintain the status quo or do away with either the provincial or local level government?
“This is also an important intention to assess and strengthen and build the potential and functionality of the lower-level governments to be more self-reliant and economically self-sustaining.
“These are very fundamental questions that our people deserve to have a say on.”