MARCH 1 2022
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape says the late Sir Michael Somare was loyal and faithful to his wife Lady Veronica right to the end – something which should be emulated by all men of Papua New Guinea.
He said this when addressing students at the University of PNG on Monday night (February 28 2022) to commemorate the first anniversary of the Founding Father of the nation.

PM Marape was accompanied by Moresby North-West MP Hon. Lohia Boe Samuel and Abau MP Hon. Sir Puka Temu to an event of reflections, song and candlelight vigil by the students to remember Sir Michael.
PM Marape told the students that days before Sir Michael died, he called him to tell of his medical prognosis that he had only days to live, and took him into his inner sanctum where Lady Veronica was resting after suffering from a stroke.
“The lesson I drew from this, young people and Papua New Guinea, is simply this: Even in the final moments of his life, first things first, he was loyal to his wife right to the end,” he said.
“Young men of this country, if you want to carry Somare’s candle tonight, loyalty to women of this country is very, very important.
“Respect to the women of this country is very, very important.
“Love to the women of this country is very, very important.
“One man to his wife to the end is very, very important.
“These are the virtues he stood for.
“Why would he have asked me to go into the presence of his wife, where they stayed by themselves? He was loyal to his wife to the end.”
PM Marape had a strong message for the men of PNG.
“To all the sons of this land: if you want equality, if you want prosperity, if you want betterment of the country, forget about the big picture,” he said.
“Start respecting your sisters and your mothers, and your wife, right now in your household.
“That’s it, no big stuff.
“Fundamental basics come first: Give respect to each other where it matters most.”