Port Moresby, January 23, 2024 – Prime Minister Hon. James Marape affirmed today that the Government remains committed to upholding the law with regard to constitutional offices reporting to the Prime Minister.
In response to concerns raised by the Ombudsman Commission regarding the recently-established Ministry of Key Constitutional Offices, Prime Minister Marape announced significant updates. The ministry, initially introduced during a Cabinet reshuffle last Thursday, will now be officially designated as the Ministry for Administrative Services.
Prime Minister Marape, who appointed Popondetta MP Hon. Richard Masere as the Minister for Key Constitutional Offices in the reshuffle, emphasised the government’s steadfast commitment to legal compliance.
“There is no intention, whatsoever, to break the law regarding constitutional offices reporting to the Prime Minister,” asserted Prime Minister Marape.
“That is entrenched in law and will be maintained.”

He further elaborated on the purpose of the Ministry for Administrative Services, stating, “This ministry is specifically established to enable the minister to address key functions that have been outstanding, such as the National Census, progression of the National Identification programme, assisting the Prime Minister in reviewing key constitutional offices, evaluating the electoral process, and other essential tasks.”
The Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council is actively working on determining an appropriate name for the ministry, likely to be finalised as the Ministry for Administrative Services.
Prime Minister Marape reassured that the Ombudsman Commission’s role and responsibilities will not be diluted or compromised. He drew parallels to previous administrative structures, stating, “In the past, ministers have assisted the Prime Minister in similar tasks, such as the administrative services minister under former Prime Minister Paias Wingti. The minister I appointed will in no way usurp the role of the Prime Minister in constitutional offices.
“The government remains committed to transparency, legal adherence, and effective governance in the establishment and functioning of key ministries.”
PS: A copy of this statement can be downloaded by clicking this link: https://pmjamesmarape.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MEDIA-RELEASE-Prime-Minister-Addresses-Concerns-Regarding-Ministry-for-Key-Constitutional-Offices-22January2024-.pdf