Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, August 9, 2024 – Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape has commended Papua New Guinean coffee manufacturer, Togoba Kofi Ltd (TKL), on the launch of its finished coffee products.
The Togoba Kofi 3-in-1 instant coffee under the trade name ‘Nambawan Shot’ and ground coffee under the trade name ‘Nebilyer’ are all Arabica coffee, and now in some of Papua New Guinea’s biggest retail outlets, including Stop N Shop, and RH Hypermarket.
The company has also opened offices in Australia and Singapore and currently working on establishing markets overseas after being granted an export license by the Coffee Industry Corporation Ltd in April this year.

Prime Minister Marape said,“Downstream processing is a big focus of the Marape-Rosso Government and I am very pleased to see Papua New Guineans taking the initiative to head down this path.
“I applaud Togoba Kofi Ltd, who, despite being a newcomer on the coffee manufacturing scene, has already headed into coffee cultivation, production and manufacturing in the space of two years since starting in 2022.
“I applaud owner and operator Fredrick Koldop, his managers and staff of Togoba Kofi for the vision, drive and commitment they have put in to get this project off the ground and launched.
“Today, we have ‘Made in PNG’ coffee products on the shelves of shops in the country and it won’t be long before they start selling the products in countries overseas.
“I commend them as I commend all our coffee producing businesses for getting PNG on the road toward Import substitution and replacement which is in line with our focus on downstream processing.”
Togoba Kofi products were launched on Thursday, August 8, 2024, at Stanley Hotel & Suites, which has also partnered with TKL to exclusively sell Togoba Kofi at all its coffee shops and restaurants in the hotel.
At the launch was Minister for Coffee, Hon. William Bando; Minister for Commerce & Industry, Hon. Win Bakri Daki; and Minister for Energy, Hon. Thomas Opa; besides senior Papua New Guineans from the cross-section of the community.
Minister for Coffee Hon. William Bando, who stood in for Prime Minister Marape, delivered the Prime Minister’s speech on his behalf. PM Marape had earlier in the day been to Goilala in Central Province to open a primary school with several subsequent engagements, and could not make the evening event.
Minister Bando said, “As a government we talk about downstream processing, and only few are making it happen. Tonight, I want to commend and congratulate Togoba Kofi on behalf of our Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and our government.
“Times are tough. And when you see Papua New Guineans being resilient and committed, and being able to employ 150 people, that is a testament of a success story.
“Let me, from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the Prime Minister, give you all the credit that you deserve and wish Togoba Kofi the best going forward.”
TKL is a fully-nationally owned coffee business founded in August 2022 by Togoba local Fredrick Koldop from Western Highlands Province.
The company has a pilot project in Kuk Coffee Plantation, operates the Kilima coffee plantation in Nebilyer Valley and partners with other coffee estates and smallholder farmers in several provinces. It has its roasting plant for the manufacture of the coffee in Mt Hagen and supplies hotels, supermarkets and coffee shops in Mt Hagen and Port Moresby.
The company also trains, conducts awareness and education in coffee husbandry through extension programmes, distributes seeds for local farmers, and participates in rehabilitation programmes for coffee plantations.
Using his prior experience in road construction, proprietor Mr Koldop also heavily invests in the rehabilitation of road infrastructure for better market access for the local farmers and communities.
Well done Togoba Kopi Ltd for this success story, congratulations