Port Moresby, January 21, 2024 – Prime Minister Hon. James Marape today commended Health Minister Hon. Dr. Lino Tom for his unwavering commitment towards the realisation of the Papua New Guinea National Cancer Centre (PNGNCC).
Prime Minister Marape expressed his appreciation, stating, “I commend Dr. Tom, who is one of our hard-working ministers, for diligently working towards making the PNGNCC a reality.”
Funded by the National Government since 2022 with a total allocation of K105 million, the PNGNCC is set to become operational in 2025, coinciding with Papua New Guinea’s 50th anniversary of independence. The allocated funds include K50 million for the third phase of construction, K38 million for cancer equipment, and K17 million for brachytherapy (internal radiation treatment).
Addressing the longstanding issue of cancer in the country, Prime Minister Marape emphasised the government’s commitment to healthcare, aligning with the National Health Plan 2021-2030. He stated, “The care of cancer is a priority of my government, with significant steps having been taken towards achieving our vision of having PNG’s first comprehensive cancer centre in operation by 2025 – a significant milestone to commemorate 50 years of political independence.”

Prime Minister Marape expressed satisfaction in learning from Dr. Lino that the National Cancer Centre anticipates being ready to receive its first patient in the second quarter of 2025. Additionally, he welcomed the collaborative efforts between Port Moresby General Hospital, the National Department of Health, and global institutions in building national health workforce capacity to deliver specialist cancer services.
“This initiative marks a crucial milestone in Papua New Guinea’s healthcare landscape, reinforcing the government’s commitment to addressing the challenges posed by cancer,” he said.
“As the nation prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary, the establishment of the PNG National Cancer Centre stands as a significant testament to the strides made in ensuring the well-being of its citizens.”